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Real Estate Investment Results
Investing with no fees and no headaches.
Joshua Dudgeon (608) 306-1199
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Start Investing Young
It’s hard for me to give advice on starting early for your retirement savings because it was something I did not pay attention to in my...

My Very First Rehab
Looking back to when I started in real estate it seems like a lifetime ago. After 10 years in the business, I almost hate to remember how...

What does “Investment tied to a Real Property” mean?
When you invest with us at Real Estate Investment Results (, your money is not sent directly to us. It is sent to a title company...

Where to Invest: Stock Market vs Real Estate
For new and hopeful passive investors, most of the accessible information on the topic of the stock market versus real estate presents...

Tax Tips for a Better Retirement
Investing for retirement is one of the best options to offset your tax cost. Not only now but when you get to retirement as well. The...

How Deals Work with REIR
We locate and purchase highly profitable lots in “up and coming” areas of La Crosse County. REIR’s Design Team chooses the most...

Earn More | Keep More
With REIR.CO you are in the Right Lane to Earn More ROI and Keep More of your Gains through Real Estate Investing and proper use of the...

We are an Investing Anomaly!
Nobody can compare with what we offer! If you read our magazine each month you will notice that we offer a great return on investment...

Set yourself apart while setting up your future!
Get The Most Out of Your Investment Capital You can invest through your IRA or Roth IRA and receive deferred tax benefits or never pay...

Investments Tied To A Real Asset
There’s a lot of different products in the world to invest in; the stock market, insurance bonds, local municipal bonds, state bonds,...
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