The opportunity to make extra money drew me in to Real Estate Investing. My concerns up front were whether I’d receive my money back, however, REIR explained each Investment Deal with me clearly and thoroughly. They explained the MAO formula used for each deal and they showed me the Comps of the final product. I trust REIR’s ability to rehab/build houses quickly and efficiently to a high-quality product. I’ve seen them do it multiple times.
The only work that I had to personally do while investing with REIR was some paperwork. After seeing the final “After” product of your first investment deal with REIR I was very proud to be able to be involved. I am satisfied with the time it took to get my Investment plus ROI back. My favorite type of Investing has always been Fast Investing.
Besides Real Estate Investing I have also invested in Stocks, Retirements, and personal Real Estate my whole life. The highest ROI that I’ve ever received was 33% with REIR. If I had to describe who Joshua us as a businessman and as a person, I’d say he’s honest, loyal, hardworking, and forthright. REIR has greatly benefited myself and my family by helping us make lots of cash! I plan on continuing to invest with REIR and I would recommend REIR to my friends and family and anyone looking to earn a great ROI!